Monday 16 June 2014

Is Healthy Sex Life an Anti-Aging Secret?

An ingredients that assist aging at bay is all scientist are looking for. While some scientific studies says that green tea, sunscreen and more benefits for anti-aging, a new study suggests that sex can be the key to combat aging and look younger.
A healthy sex life can be extremely beneficial in looking younger, according to a latest study by Dr. David Weeks, the former head of old age psychology at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital. The study involved inquiring male and female subjects about their sex lives and the results were that men and women, alike, reaped the aids of having a healthy sex life. It is revealed that if have a healthy sex life one can look five and seven years younger.

Wondering how sex can make you look younger?

Your body releases the human growth hormone (HGH) when having a healthy sex life, a hormone secreted from the pituitary gland, plays a vital role in making your skin more elastic -- The lack of elasticity is what causes aging in many people. In fact, HGH is such a coveted anti-aging treatment that off-label use of the hormone is a multi-billion dollar industry since the 1990 study by Dr. Rudman et al. in the New England Journal of Medicine.
Your body secretes a lot of endorphins, in addition to secreting HGH - the "feel good" chemical - which, in turn, serves as a natural painkiller, reduces anxiety and helps in getting better sleep. And also play a role in anti-aging by protecting skin's collagen, and oxytocin, which lowers the stress chemical cortisol. Healthy sex life also boosts blood circulation which is beneficial for heart health.
"Sexual satisfaction is a major contributor to quality of life"
"If you have more than 200 orgasms a year, you can reduce your physiologic age by six years," said Oz.

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